On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 12:42:18PM +0000, Graham Smith wrote:
| Hi,
| This is perhaps one of the stranger questions to be asked but I'm looking for 
| a utility that will copy a file slowly.
| What I am basically looking for is a version of cp with a max copy rate 
| argument. I would write my own but I can't believe that I'm the only one who 
| has ever wanted this feature so I suspect there is one already in existence.

I have wanted this every time I had to try and salvage data from flaky
hardware.  Running cp or scp or rsync at full-speed would lock up the
system.  I'm not aware of any solution, though, short of creating a
new program or modifying cp.


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A: If you have a problem with commercial software you can call a phone
   number and they will tell you it might be solved in a future version.
   For open-source sofware there isn't a phone number to call, but you
   get the solution within a day.
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