Paulo Marcel Coelho Aragao wrote:
Andrew Sackville-West wrote on Dec, 16:


errors look like this

/dev/hda3: Superblock last mount time is in the future


My understanding (or lack of) is:

1. When you mount a partition or run fsck, the current system time is written to the partition's superblock.

2. When you access that partition again, the program (mount, fsck, ...) compare the superblock's time with the system time, and if they're too different, complains.

Therefore, when you run fsck from Knoppix, Knoppix's system time goes to the superblocks. When Debian tries to mount the partitions, mount complains because the recorded time is too different from the current system time.

What do you have to do ? fsck from *Debian* and not Knoppix. Or, better still, set Knoppix system time to the correct value *before* mounting any partitions on your hard drives.

hmmm.... that's interesting, but... I did fsck from debian as well. also, first time into knoppix, BEFORE any mounting (I use knoppix 2 boot cmd) I did fsck and it found errors on partitions that should have been clean already. Although I gather, from what you wrote below, if its a systime issue, then clean Deb partitions will be dirty knoppx partitions. And that makes some sense, but as I said, I've done fsck from deb before a reboot with same problem...

I'll check it out however.

grrr, argh



I think its a e2fsprogs issue. what version are you running?

It doesn't look like it to me.


so with totally clean partitions from Knoppix, I still get errors. Some of those partitions were never mounted in knoppix either and should not be generating this error as no new mount time should be written.

But if you ran fsck on them, they'll have been "tainted" by Knoppix. If the system times are different, clean partitions to Knoppix will have the effect of making them appear "dirty" to Debian.

My knowledge doesn't go much farther than this. I hope it suffices to explain and solve your problem.


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