I have a couple of problems upgrading from potato to woody, using a 14-CD official set (7 binary, 7 source). I followed the instructions at this address: http://www.debian.org/releases/woody/i386/release-notes/as recommended in the installation manual.

I first went with the recommended approach of using dselect, and was then quickly reminded why I prefer apt-get. It seems that dselect, although a fine tool I'm sure, is very picky about who its friends are, and I'm not one of them :-(.

So over to the apt-get method (not recommended), first upgrading just dpkg, apt and debconf. After a few attempts (apt-get -f install) this worked OK. I followed the recommendations in the manual to accept the package maintainers' versions of files during the upgrade, except in one place, where I inadvertently pressed the <Enter> key before the Y key, which means that the file /etc/mc/mc.lib was left unchanged.

First question: can I force the configure stage of mc ('Setting up mc-common (4.5.55-1.2)') to run again, so that I can get the new file?

The second mistake I made was to follow the recommendation to allow debconf to make a new /etc/X11/XF86Config for me ('Manage XFree86 3.x server configuration file with debconf? ').

I have never got this to work before, but I had hoped it would this time, plus I thought it would be nice if debconf could keep track of this stuff. Unfortunately, as usual for me, now X doesn't work any more.

Second question: I want to give it a few more tries, how can I force the configure stage to run again? I guess it's the 'Setting up xserver-mach64 (3.3.6-44)' that I want to restart.

Third question: Is woody still using X version 3.x? One of the reasons I decided to go over to woody was to get version 4 of X, but the above makes me think it is still version 3.3.6.

Last question: If version 3.x of X is still installed, can I just revert to my previous /etc/X11/XF86Config, which ought to be saved as /etc/X11/XF86Config.dpkg-old?

And a big PS:

I am _so_ glad I followed the recommendation to record a transcript of the upgrade session using script. This combined with the fact that ppp and ftp still worked OK is what gave me access to the information to write this call for help. So to all others thinking of going the upgrade path - read and follow the recommendations in the manual!

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< hugge >

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