On Wed January 4 2006 12:28 pm, Tom wrote:
> [04/01/2006 -- 18:10u] Rick Friedman:
> > I (as well as others) was having this problem as well untill I saw a
> > message from a Mr. Joey Hess. As per Mr. Hess' instructions, run the
> > following command line:
> >
> > wget http://ftp-master.debian.org/ziyi_key_2006.asc -O - | sudo apt-key
> > add -
> >
> > Once I ran that, the key problem vanished.
> Maybe the problem vanished for people using the us mirror, but
> ftp.de.debian.org surely isn't okay just yet. I assume other mirrors
> have the same problem, or if it's not about the mirrors: other people
> have the same problem.

Touché. I didn't realize that using the US mirror made a difference. Hmmm.

Rick's Law: What cannot be imagined will be accomplished by a fool.

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