On 1/4/06, Andrew Sackville-West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Jan 2006 10:08:02 +1100
> > I'm using ALSA and the only issue is if an application is using Sound
> > device (/dev/dsp) and another
> > application is trying to use it, it says "/dev/dsp" is already in use.
> >
> > What can I do it share the sound device??
> this is a problem I've struggled with for a long while. Basically, you can 
> set up alsa to share the sound device by doing its own software mixing. If 
> you google

I've been pondering a similar problem of sharing the device in a multi
user setting (home computer).  I often start a playlist in xmms then
go about some housework.  The screen locks, then my wife or kid want
to start a movie or change the playlist and I have to unlock it (or if
I'm not around they wait).

I'd like to hear if anyone has come up with a good way to control
access to /dev/dsp.  The best I've been able to come up with is to run
xmms or similar as a unique user and have a "remote" available to
change playback.  Kind of a hack, but I can't think of anyway to allow
a user in the audio group to have their feed replace or mix with
another user's.

Any suggestions?


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