Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the reply! First answers to your questions:

1) Yes, this is a dial-up connection. It is actually using a Verizon
Wireless connection to a cellular modem - the KPC650. There are tons of
people running this configuration on Linux, but they do not seem to have the
issues that I have with Dynamic DNS.

2) Yes, I technically do have 2 interfaces, the modem and an Ethernet
connection. However, after my previous post I blew the system away again.
Now I have only the modem and am trying to set up dynamic DNS before I do
anything else.

3) Yes, I did use a guide online to set up a firewall using shorewall.
However the rules are configured to allow the box to connect to the outside.
Again, I blew the system away and reloaded fresh without the shorewall.
Still having the same issue.

4) I have googled EVERYTHING I could think of over the past 17 hours. No
help. There is just way too much documentation out there that uses the same
search terms. I found no valid articles for my case.

Now for more information. As I mentioned, I blew away my system and started
all over. I did a "linux26" with all default install options and "manual"
aptitude configuration, so again I have no GUI.

I did not get wvdial this time. After a bit of struggling I got pppd to
work! I can now get on, ping out any IP on the Internet and ping my linux
box through the Internet.

To get my modem to work I had to do the following: (I got these instructions
from other people using this modem in a Linux environment and some that I
figured out by dumb luck)

modprobe usbserial vendor=0xc88 product=0x17da maxSize=2048 (I have to do
this every time I reboot. I am not sure why, but it is very annoying)

ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/modem  (I have to do this only once, otherwise the
dialer uses device "modem" which is not linked to any actual port)

nano -w /etc/ppp/options
(I add these because they are not supported by my modem and cause a
disconnect every 2 minutes)
After all this, I can dial away, ping, etc.

Far as diagrams, I am not good at this but I will give it a shot...

Desired config (as seen in previous posts. Ez-ipupdate does not work here):
[Web Server on my LAN]>---> eth0 (LAN) on static IP >[My Linux Box] <- - -
ppp0 {Internet}

Configuration in which ez-ipupdate works like a champ:
[My Linux Box] <- - - Eth0 with DHCPed address from my Cable

Current config after I blew away my box this config still does not work:
[My Linux Box] <- - - ppp0 with DHCPed address from Verizon -{Internet}

Note: While connected through my ppp0 with the ability to ping
www.google.com with 0% packet loss and 200ms, doing wget www.google.com
fails with:

=> 'index.html'
Resolving (bunch of IPs bound to the domain) Connecting
www.google.com[66.233.16199]:80... Failed: Connection Timed Out

And yes, this is a notebook that I would like to use as a cellular router. I
am right now 99% convinced that the problem is that outbound TCP traffic is
not being allowed out through my ppp0 connection. ICMP works fine...

Tyson Varosyan
Technical Manager, Uptime Technical Solutions LLC.
206-715-TECH (8324)


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