on Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 08:28:03AM -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Karsten M. Self wrote:
> >on Tue, Jan 10, 2006 at 03:41:52PM -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom 
> >([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>How would I popup an informative message on X from a crontab entry?
> >>
> >>There is xmessage, but from crontab?
> >
> >Set your $DISPLAY variable appropriately.
> >
> >    DISPLAY=:0.0 xmessage "My message"
> >
> >... should work, if not in your crontab entry itself then in a script
> >called by same.  ":0.0" should work for most circumstances.
> >
> Karsten,
> Not that way, but:
> xmessage -file /xmessage.downmsg.msg -display :1.0
> works.

So does:

    55 10 * * Mon       export DISPLAY=:0; echo "Weekly Engineering \
    meeting! $( date )" | fmt -w 32 | xmessage -file -

(as one line)

... in my current (user) crontab.  I see that message regularly, so I
know ;-)

> But I cannot get that to work from crontab and at the moment crontab is 
> not mailing any actions that I can find.

Are you trying to use your personal crontab or the system crontab
(/etc/crontab)?  Should be your own, or you'll get user permissions
> It works execution a script with that in it.
> However, everybody (I have a 2 seater Debian) must issue xhost + from 
> their session for it to be allowed.

Evil!  Evil!  *Never* do that.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
    Time is a great healer.

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