Karsten M. Self wrote:

This can indicate a problem with the filesystem is throwing errors.
Your root filesystem is typically mounted with an 'errors=remount-ro'
option, meaning the drive is remounted read-only if an error occurs.

This particular option is at the moment causing me considerable grief. And I really wonder why it needs to be there.

When last week I installed "Sarge" the defaults option got left out of the root directory mount line in the fstab. I edited fstab to add it, so that that line read as follows:

/dev/mapper/SOL-root   ext3   drfaults,noatime,errors=remount-ro  / 0 1

Because defaults was mispelled, the root directory has been locked ever since, making the machine unuseable.

I tried various ways of solving this problem short of a complete reinstallation, including doing a Knoppix live installation, but so far have not found one. (For details of what I did, see my post of a few minutes ago entitled "Re: Most directories locked read-only: how to unlock them?"

This read only option for the root directory strikes me as very dangerous because it can turn a typographical error into a major catastrophe.

                                Ken Heard

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