On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 02:38:42PM +0100, Clive Menzies wrote:
> And I'm still struggling with my set up .... not
> managed to implement procmail yet and the cron job to "getmail" is being
> mailed to me every 5 five minutes... but that's another story;)

Re procmail: I haven't found any need for this; personally I find that
setting up Exim filtering rules in my ~/.forward, which may call
shellscripts, suffices for my needs (delivering to different
mailboxes, stripping off standard footers). Exim's language is a bit
more legible than procmail's... (Useful command option: exim -bm.
Handy for feeding a footer-stripped message back into the mail system
for final delivery)

Re cron job: modify it so that the command output which is currently
being mailed to you is redirected to /dev/null.


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