On Sat, Jan 28, 2006 at 01:08:48AM +0100, Florian Kulzer wrote:
>Marty wrote:
>>Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
>>>But none of the posters showed proof that with/without udev actually
>>>makes a *difference* that makes the system run *better*, other than
>>>the number of devices. So what?
>>I could be wrong, but I thought the idea behind udev was that you don't
>>have to manually create your devices.  Reducing the number of device
>>entries is but a side effect, something that you would expect if it's
>>working properly.
>Another important point is that udev can make sure that a given device
>always gets the same identifier, no matter what other devices were
>plugged in before it. (Otherwise it's "first come, first served".)
>Let's say you wrote a nice script to make backups of your important
>data on a USB harddrive. If you happen to have connected a camera
>before you plugged in the harddrive, your script might try to save your
>data on the camera instead. With udev you can assign device names based
>on serial numbers, MAC addresses and other unique properties. Your
>script will then reliably save the data when using an identifier such
>as "/dev/backupdrive". (You can assign whatever device name you like,
>as long as it does not exist already.) udev furthermore works together
>nicely with other packages to offer convenient ways to automount
>devices, have icons appear on the desktop automatically, etc.

It's even more fun when you have your root on SATA (or SCSI) and leave a
USB memory stick in at boot time :-)


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)

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