Bob wrote:
> Hello list, I recently bought a GForce 6600GT AGP graphics card to
> replace an old GForce card. I needed this for running a particular
> application under Windows that required a card with 128Mb of memory.
> I was running Sarge and after the install XFree86 wouldn't work, which
> I sort of expected. I downloaded the latest NVidia Linux drivers, but
> they wouldn't install, something about no pre-comiled kernel headers
> and no source for my 2.4.x kernel.

You don't need pre-compiled headers or the kernel source.  You need the headers.

> As I didn't have much on the machine I decided to blat it and do a
> netinstall of Etch (got to love that net install, much better than
> downloading all those CDs...). As far as I can tell I'm now running
> XOrg or something and I just get lots of flashing coloured bands on
> the screen when it starts up.
> So I tried to install the NVidia drivers again, but get he same problem,
> no pre-compiled headers for my kernel and no source. So I decided to
> install the kernel source, but I can't find a package for it? Am I
> missing something here, or can I not download the 2.6.x kernel source
> via apt...?

Again, you only need the headers.

# apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) module-assistant
# m-a a-i nvidia
# apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings
# modprobe nvidia
# echo nvidia >> /etc/modules
# dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

Chris Howie

Version: 3.1
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