Tyson Varosyan wrote:
> Given the fact that Katipo and Alvin were the only ones to reply to this
> thread and nether proved to know anything about how to resolve my issue, I
> thought that I should post the resolution here so that others looking for
> the answer later would not have to bother the resident smart-asses on this
> board.

Translation:  having posted something wildly off-topic to a very high
volume mailing list, and (unsurprisingly) having received no useful
replies to my wildly off-topic post, I'm now going to post more
off-topic material.

> Again, I apologize for posting a Windows-based problem on this board, but I
> did so with the assumption that there would be many Apache users here and
> that the more experienced ones may know how to help me in Windows and Linux.

Translation:  I apologized for doing something I'm not supposed to do --
but I didn't really mean it, since that guideline wasn't going to stop

> Katipo and Alvin, feel free to read this procedure and pass it off as your
> own in the future. Sorry that I made you feel so incompetent.

Translation:  since I got justifiably mocked for ignoring the mailing
list guidelines, I'll now lash out at the people who mocked me.

> Being a
> Systems Admin for a multitude of customers ranging from Dental Clinics to
> 5000+ server Datacenters,

Translation:  I am so cool.

> I have not come into much contact with Apache. I
> thought you assholes, could serve to provide some help with this obvious
> error in the Apache documentation, but instead I reinforced my belief in the
> reasons why most people use software that has documentation and phone
> numbers to call for help.

Translation:  Since some of you "assholes" reacted negatively when I
treated you with discourtesy and disrespect, and none of you answered
my wildly off-topic question in a high-volume mailing list (never mind
that even *on-topic* questions routinely fall through the cracks here
because of the volume of traffic), it must be a failing on your part.
Not only that, it must say something fundamental about free and/or
open source software (other than that its users may react negatively
to expressions of discourtesy such as the posting of wildly off-topic
questions to a high-volume mailing list).

> Tyson Varosyan
> Technical Manager, Uptime Technical Solutions LLC.
> www.up-times.com
> 206-715-TECH (8324)

You're not making your business look very good.


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