On Fri, Feb 10, 2006 at 03:49:40PM +0100, Romnea Kolap Pin wrote:
>    Hello:
>    I have the next problem, is there any way to say to Debian "this package
>    is yet provided"?.
>    I mean, if I compile mplayer and I want to install the mozilla-mplayer
>    package, which depends on mplayer, how could I say to my distro "hey! man,
>    I have also one mplayer"?. Is there any configuration file?.
>    I could make a package with my own mplayer, but I think it would be really
>    difficult  because it happens in sereval cases, for instance: in java
>    virtual machine, in ati drivers, etc.
>    Romnea.

The best solution I have found this far is equivs. It allows you to
create pseudo packages in order to circumvent package restrictions in
apt. The process is comparatively staight-forward; you can typically
get a pseudo package installed in a few minutes.
As a little side note, you may want to look at java-package for your
Java VM needs. It's quite handy, actually.


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