Hiya Patrick,

On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 09:54:55AM -0500, Patrick Wiseman wrote:
> After a recent upgrade of my testing system, some sound apps work
> (xmms, eg) and others (in particular, xfce4-mixer) do not, complaining
> that there is no alsa device.  My sound driver - for the ESS maestro
> chip in my laptop - is compiled into the kernel.  (As an aside, I
> tried recompiling, with the driver as a module, but 2.4.27 gave errors
> using both gcc-3.3 and gcc-4.0; that's odd, because I've successfully
> compiled it with gcc-3.3 several times before.)

> I installed alsa-utils and ran alsaconf, but it found no PnP, PCI, or legacy
> drivers!  (I thought perhaps it didn't like drivers in the kernel, which is
> why I tried to recompile.)

> Any thoughts?

Perhaps you're using OSS in xmms?  Try installing xfce4-mixer-oss
(which will remove xfce4-mixer-alsa).

If you want to be using ALSA then I'd suggest looking at ALSA support in
your kernel.

You can check what output device xmms is using by right clicking on it
and going through Options > Preferences.  On the Audio I/O plugins tab,
what is the output plugin?


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