On 2/15/06, Marc Shapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Checking apt-cache show implies that I can change my JAVA_HOME
> environment variable, which makes it sound like this will completely
> replace j2re1.4.2.  Is this correct?  Is it a good idea?  will this
> affect running java apps in mozilla-suite, firefox, or opera?
> I also ran across eclipse, although this does not appear to be packaged
> for Debian.  From what I see at eclipse.org, this would use my existing
> j2re1.4.2 and WOULD provide an IDE.
> Is there someplace else that I should be looking?  Links to info, or
> previous posts covering this would be OK.
Get sun java 1.5 or as they call it java 5  (j2se jdk). For dev you
can get netbeans 5.0 from netbeans, Netbeans ide has gui builder also
which eclipse do not have. You have to use plugins in eclipse for gui
linux user No.205042

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