On 2/17/06, John Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 16 February 2006 23:37, Deephay wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> >   I have a problem with udev here: every time when I
> > was booting the computer, the udev always show some lines
> > like this on the console:
> > "udevd_even: run program /.../.../ failed" (these lines
> > goes a little bit fast and I cannot remember the exact
> > format but it is more or less like this)
> > but when I didn't find anything like this in the syslog,
> > and seems it doesn't affect anything, so I only want to
> > eliminate this, how can I do that? thx!
> >
> > Deephay
> There are a couple of options:
> 1.  install yaird and purge initramfs-tools and then do a:
>         dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.X
> 2.  Update to the latest udev (unstable) and do an update-intramfs -u -t
> (don't do option 1) and reboot.

What are the pros and cons using yaird in place of initramfs?
linux user No.205042

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