On Sun, Feb 19, 2006 at 04:53:23PM -0500, Amadan Korvin wrote:
> hi
> OK i'm not a package maintainer or anything.  but i've been watching
> the status of etch and sid for a couple weeks now because i've had the
> same problems as you - each time i try for an aptitude upgrade i get
> depencency hell.  as far as i understand, what is happening is that
> several critical and co-dependent packages are getting some bugs
> hammered out, and are slightly out of sync with each other in terms of
> the next source upload, with the result that a lot of dependencies are
> broken right now.  every couple days, _some_ of the problems are
> resolved.  (although sadly more crop up).  I'm almost at the point now
> where my aptitude upgrade goes through without errors.  seems they're
> clearing things up.
> cheers
> adam
Hi Adam,
this is the process of creating a relatively bug-free distribution! It
takes a LOT of this to finally produce 'stable' where all these issue
are resolved. As this process proceeds, testing becomes more stable and
less things are pulled out and put in. It takes between 12 and 24 months
for Debian. There are ways to speed up this process, because you do not
have to be a Debian Developer to fix problems. Not every package is
maintained by Debian Developers. Most of the applications are not done
by Debian Developers. The hard part is finding out what needs to be done
SPECIFICALLY beyond locating orphaned packages or looking in the BTS
(bugs.debian.org, our bug tracking system) but the main thrust is to fix
things you are interested it and submit them as bug reports or patches.
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