On Sun, Feb 19, 2006 at 06:06:54PM -0500, Martin Paraskevov wrote:
> I'm using Debian Sarge (stable) and searched for a mono package to install:
> apt-cache search mono.
> I didn't get any  packages related to the mono project back. How can I
> install mono and run .NET applications
> on my debian box?
> I searched the internet and found the backports.org website. However I don't
> quite understand how it functions.
> There are lots of packages under the mono directory (
> http://www.backports.org/debian/pool/main/m/mono/), but
> I don't know which of them to install and, moreover, how to install them.
> They are not visible with the apt-get tool.
> -Martin
Hi Martin,
mono stuff is in sid but I guess not in sarge. look for the mono work
on alioth.debian.org, it is where a lot of development takes place,
including mono.
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