Hello. I use Debian Sarge. Is there a Debian package of a program that converts movie file codecs? I have used a program called Tovid to covert an avi to an mpg, and then used Dvdstyler to burn it to a playable dvd. Is there an equivalent to Tovid that is part of the Debian packages?


Sounds like mencoder may be what you need. Not part of Debian "proper" but available in Christian Marillat's multimedia repository (see http://debian.video.free.fr/).

For details of mencoder, see the Mplayer site at http://www.mplayerhq.hu

Thanks for the suggestion. I'm not apt enough to use mencoder, however. So, I bit the bullet, and installed tovid, with the accompanying gui (mencoder is a part of tovid, apparently.) It took a while to get the dependencies correct, but at least now I have something that both works, and is comprehensible to me.

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