Fresh install of Debian 3.1 on a box with 4 SCSI 18.2 GB HD. SCSI card is a non-RAID adaptec card.

I am trying to set up the 4 drives as 2 RAID0 of 36 Gig each mirrored (RAID1)

So far, I am able to get the two 36 GB RAID0 partitions set up, but then when I try to create another MD, it says I don’t have any more RAID partitions created. When I go back to the partioner, I am not able to make either RAID0 block into a RAID device.

From what I have read, I should be able to create a RAID1 from the two RAID0 blocks I have (each RAID0 is made up of 2 drives)

It’s possible I’m just not thinking about this the right way – what am I missing?


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