On 2/23/06, Ralph Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I transfer files and maintain systems on the lan all the time with scp
> and ssh which are configured to avoid re-typing passwords.  There's a
> good discussion here:
> Password-less logins with OpenSSH
> http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/152
> I prefer to use passwords but only need to enter one password to enable
> all the others, as described above.
Thanks Ralph, Mike, Anthony, Magnus, Philippe and Felipe.
I think I was not clear in my statements. Two machines A and B are in
lan coonected to DHCP server which gives random ip addresses on each
boot. They are not constantly on. Each machine has only one user. Both
ids are different. I am not very good at networking. I used
passwordless ssh when both machines had same user with same uid and
machines had static ip. Here users are different and IP allocated is
different in every boot.  Configuring dhcp server is not under the
user control.
In such a case, how to find what IP is allocated to other machine so
that ssh can use that host.
Purpose is simply to transfer a file to other pc so that other user
can use it may be mp3 file or docs etc.
linux user No.205042

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