I was using sid kernel source from my sid partition. When I was
running sarge, I untarred sid kernel source 2.6.15 in /usr/src. Added
bootsplash patch did oldconfig using sarge's config file from
/boot/.and answered mostly all to defaults. I thought 2.6.15 will take
only linux-image, I tried  make-kpkg linux-image. It didn't accepted
it gave error. Then I did
make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version .$(date +'%Y%m%d') --revision 1
kernel_image kernel_headers modules_image.
I had ndiswrapper modules folder in /usr/src/modules. After it made
kernel_image kernel_headers, it failed to compile ndiswrapper. Then I
removed ndiswrapper source and untarred sid ndiswrapper source. Now it
compiled gave all three debs. both kAs sso as it is started, machine
I would like to know why old ndiswrapper is not getting compiled?
Why rebooting takes place? What mistake I have done?
Are any modification is needed in source before it is compiled in sarge.
I didn't use kernel.org source as it may not have debian specific
patches. Am I right?
linux user No.205042

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