Hello Michael!

> I know I've seen lots of posts on this before, so I'm sorry for asking the 
> same questions over 
> and over.
No problem.

> Someone just asked me what the ideal laptop would be to purchase to install 
> Debian Linux onto.  
> The main thing is WiFi support and good quality.  Don't need lots of storage 
> or a super fast 
> processor, but basic 3D support would be nice.
If you do not buy a new centrino II laptop i it often no problem using
3d. Wiht my old R51 i played penguin race. 
Wifi is also no problem.

> I've seen lots of posts on here about wireless cards not working, so thats 
> what I'm the most 
> concerned about.
No problem with centrino laptops. I had a celeron laptop with an strange
wireless card and i cannot install the wireless network

> I've heard of lots of people running Linux on IBM Thinkpads, but I can't seem 
> to purchase one 
> from Lenovo without Windows.
It you buy over 50 pieces of a Thinkpad you can choise the OS. But i do
not believe that you can buy a lapton in a store without windows xp.
For a company i order some Laptops with are build especialy for them and
for this Laptop i had to buy Windows XP. But i do not know how this
boxes work with Linux. But Thinkpad are great laptops. I will never buy
an other one

> Do any of the major laptop manufactures sell laptops without OSes installed?
I do not think so. But you can sell it on ebay. 

> (For those who care these laptops will be donated to a school in Venezuela 
> through the company I 
> work for.)
Perhaps you can build your one laptop using barbones. They are companies
which make this for you. I only know a company in Germany which make
this. And i think that you can find out how this one work under linux

           Michael Ott, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], www.zolnott.de           
I am registered as user #275453 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.

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