On Thu, Mar 16, 2006 at 06:02:05PM +0100, Florian Ernst wrote:
>Hello *,
>On Thu, Mar 16, 2006 at 04:16:52PM +0000, Magnus Therning wrote:
>> I hope we'll see it in Debian Sid soon. Go GNOME team! Go!
>> Anyway I can help?
>For starters, please see "The GNOME team needs your help" at
><http://lists.debian.org/debian-gtk-gnome/2006/01/msg00037.html>, as
>recently mentioned in DWN.

I've read it already, but haven't seen any rection to my contributions

Since it's a new release I'm expecting the GNOME team to be swamped for
a while. Looking at old-ish bugs doesn't really solve them drowning :-)


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)

Software is not manufactured, it is something you write and publish.
Keep Europe free from software patents, we do not want censorship
by patent law on written works.

The day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life.

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