On Monday 13 March 2006 03:14, Anand Kumria wrote:
> As others have pointed out, it was poor form of me to threathen to
> unsubscribe you. So I have not done this.

No offense, but you make it sound like you're doing him a favor by not 
doing it.

> I've been deliberately not responding in order to not fan this
> (pointless) thread any longer.

It may be pointless to you, but obviously not to him.  While I spoke in 
support of some points, I still felt there should have been a 
willingness to compromise.  This statement, by you, though, just 
emphasizes the, "I'm in charge and if you disagree, tough.  I'm too 
busy being right to care about other points of view.  I could care less 
what you think or how others feel."

> Unfortunately the thread is (still) continuing - so I've now
> instituted a 1 day delay for emails on this thread.  I'm the first to
> (suffer) so you'll receive this directly (now) and tomorrow via
> debian-user.

I've noticed that has never been done in other discussions over Debian 
policies or situations, yet you do it in one that has a direct bearing 
on you and is even critical of you.

While I'm glad you're not unsubscribing Steve, even this delay is 
unwise.  I was on a mailing list for another distro and saw the list 
manager start to do things like this.  In the end it drove off pretty 
much most of the experts there who were providing most of the help.  
While I'm not saying that will happen here, any kind of censorship, 
even delaying messages, on this thread that applies to you and is, in 
some cases, critical of actions you are associated with sends a strong 
message that while list members can criticize quite a bit on this list, 
such criticism of the list master is, from his point of view, 
pointless, and in need of a level of control that hasn't occurred in 
other discussions.

People will say what they need to.  It always happens.  It goes on for a 
while, then dies down.  By delaying posts, all you're doing is delaying 
this.  While it seems like it gives tempers time to calm down, all it 
does, in many cases, is let them continue to simmer.  Obviously a 
number of people feel strongly about this issue, one way or the other.  
They need to make their points and only when they feel they are done, 
will they stop posting to this thread.  Delaying posts will only delay 
the process and emphasize that you feel a need to control this thread 
when it has not been necessary in the past and in other discussions.

I challenge you to re-examine your view and rise above the focus on 
controlling the discussion in any way.  Show us that you are open to 
different points of view and not afraid of posts that may criticize 

Or you can keep trying to control others, which is impractical, does not 
work, and always creates more animosity than good will.


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