Em Dom, 2006-03-19 às 12:50 -0500, Leonid Grinberg escreveu:
> Hello,
> I must say that I love Debian. It is an amazing system that has never
> failed me, and, although we had our ups and downs, continues to serve
> me loyally and fully.
> But there is one thing that annoys me about it, and that is how long a
> package needs to be tested for, before it gets verified as not
> dangerous. I use Testing, myself, and am annoyed by a few things. I
> used to hate the Debian Firefox package, because it took so long to
> get updated. Eventually, I removed it, and I now use the
> Mozilla-supplied program, something that I highly recommend. But what
> really bugs me is GNOME. Debian finally supplied GNOME 2.12 in Testing
> about a month before GNOME 2.14 came out. And it is harder to replace,
> because in order to use the code from gnome.org, one needs to
> recompile it and then set it up by hand, something that I feel I am
> not qualified to do.
> Unstable, I know, does not have this problem. So I am wondering, how
> unstable is it? I might be getting a new computer within a few months,
> and am considering installing Debian Unstable on it. But what should I
> expect? Will it crash a few times a month, or a day? How much work is
> it?

Unstable is very unstable:
  On average my desktops need some 300MB updates/week.

The unstability of unstable is related to the rate of change, 
not to the reliability of individual packages, or incompatilities
between packages.
I don't remember any crashes in the last 10 years.

I saw a lot of difficulties to install/upgrade a specific package, 
but usually this can be solved and the feedback is quite apreciated.

In the case of incompatibilities between packages, the solution comes
much faster than in testing, specially if you help to find it.


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