Hi Hex!  Tahnks for the info!  I am downloading....  It's big!  Will have to read and get to know it and use... hope it's good!  Also any othe ridea? 
By the way I responded to Thierry about my graphic card info but forgot to send to the mailing list, here it the info of my card:
Just copied the info from the winXP system Device Manager about my graphic card: Display adapter: NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 420, Bus: AGP 4X, Memory 64MB. by the way, system is Intel P4 with SSE2.  Also, I installed the newest Stable,version of Debian, and immediately upgraded to Testing right after the installation, and then did the apt-get stuff, and then loged out.  And I got the error when I reboot again.
My loador is Grub, which was installed automatically.
Looking forward to your help!!  THANK YOU ALL!

Hex Star <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well I've been told that in the event that the Debian installer fails to properly detect and configure the graphics card/monitor simply copying Knoppixes X config over the Debian one should clear things up so perhaps giving that a try would be a good idea ;-) :-) ...you can download Knoppix for free here (it's a live DVD...no longer fits on a regular CD): http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html

On 3/21/06, Kent West < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
lmyho wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am totally newbie to Debian.  I heard a lot about it's so good, so I
> tried to install it on my Dell Dimension 4550, with Win XP home, using
> mini CD install through network.  The installation seemed OK, however
> it was all text sceen during and after the installation.
Normal, and good.
> [After installing X packages], [w]hen I reboot the system, the screen
> flashings three times at the moment when the running words supposed to
> stop and let me login. It turned to a balck screen and came back and
> to black screen again and came back again..., and then hung and
> displayed a message said" Failed to start the X server. it is likely
> that it is not set up correctly.  Would you like to view the X server
> output to diagnose the problem?"  I would like to , but the screen
> actually has died and just hung there not responed to any keybord
> strikes at all!  So I have to turn off the computer again, and again....
The very first stage of booting is either lilo or grub. If it's grub,
you should have a "safe recovery" option. Select that and see if your
keyboard works at the (text only) login prompt. If it's lilo, you should
get a "boot:" prompt for a few seconds; at this point enter "linux
single" and see if your keyboard works at the (text only) login prompt.
Then report back what happened.

Once your keyboard is working, we can work on solving your X issues.

> And by the way, I couldn't use my mouse, and the screen display was
> only big text characters, why does it like this?

I don't know what you mean by the screen display being only big text
characters. Do you mean CAPITAL LETTERS? If so, your system thinks
you're using an old-style terminal that only generated caps; nowadays
the most common cause of this is entering your username in capital
letters, which causes the system to assume you're on one of those old

Concerning the mouse, there are basically two mouse systems: one for the
text-based console, and one for X. You can use just the one for X,
forgoing the mouse in console, or you can activate both. (I tend to
activate both). In this latter case, you have to take care to make sure
the two systems don't conflict with each other. So the first question
is, are you talking about using the mouse in the text-based, non-X
console, or are you talking about something else?


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