Robert Storey wrote:
Dear All,

When I start X, the whole screen image is displayed slightly too far to
the right. Although I could use the buttons on the monitor to adjust the
image further left, that would create problems because I have other
distros installed on this computer, and these distros have the image
properly centered. So what I need are software settings to move the image

Xvidtune does just that. I can position the image anywhere I like on the
screen. The problem is that I don't see any way to save these settings. I
can get the image properly centered afgter hittings the "apply" button,
but there is no "save", and next time I boot up my new improved settings
are gone.

Xvidtune with the "-show" option produces these settings:

  "800x600"      49.50    800  816  896 1056    600  601  604  625 +hsync

I tried editing file /etc/X11/XF86Config to make these settings permanent,
but that doesn't seem to work. I'm not sure what else to try, and I'd
appreciate any suggestions.


Editing XF86Config works for me. Please post exactly where you edited XF86Config. The changes should go in the 'Monitor' Section. But you must pick the correct line to change. If you wish, send me your XF86Config file & I will try to find where your changes should go.

Good luck

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