On Fri, 2003-06-13 at 16:43, Theo Cabrerizo Diem wrote:
> Hi,
> I have to install an Oracle (and Progress) databases here ... but a
> question remains in my mind ;o) ... In Oracle's website they say that
> Oracle is supported only in a few rpm based distros ...
> I know that Oracle <and Progress> run on Debian/Linux ... but what kind
> of problem I can expect doing this ? And what kind of solution (other
> than installing RedHat) can I try ?
> Those database servers will serve a 'mid sized' network ..( will provide
> storage too .. to windows clients using samba). I was thinking to use
> NBD (Network Block Device) and RAID (5 by hardware and 1 by software) to
> mirror two servers using a 'crossover' gigabit link.
> Please, CC me, since I'm not subscriber of this list.

Well, if you're going to be using it for anything mission critical, I'd
strongly suggest going with a SuSE or RedHat system with a support
contract from Oracle. If you're willing to go with the risks of running
it on an unsupported platform, I have a brief writeup of the process of
installing Oracle9i, 9iDS, and (soon) 9i Lite on my site. No links to it
yet, so here is the direct URL:


The latest revision was about 13 hours ago, though there will be more
either tonight or tomorrow. I started setting things up on Tuesday, and
I hope to have a fully functional system by tomorrow. (It was functional
last night, but after the initial installation there was no way to start
up or shut down the database, so I'm starting from scratch today.)

This is being done on a Debian unstable box (most recent apt-get
dist-upgrade about 14 days ago). Needless to say, I can't tell you much
about scalability nor stability, but I can at least get you on your way
to getting the system set up.

Alex Malinovich
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