A while back, I had mailed the list concerning a problem with Firefox: Every now and again, it would "refresh" the page. This entailed the programme freezing, the page part (under the tab bar) turning grey and the page, when it un-froze, returning to the top, regardless of where it had been prior to the freeze.

Well, I've figured out what causes this. I have set my desktop wall-paper to change every half-hour to a new, randomly-selected photograph from a particular folder in which I keep pictures downloaded from Webshots. When this changing occurs, the Firefox problem arises. I discovered this when I made my task-bar completely translucent.

Now, the question is, why does it do this and how can I make it stop.

Thanks much and so on.

—A watched bread-crumb never boils.
—My hover-craft is full of eels.
—[...]and that's the he and the she of it.

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