This is for anyone toying with getting the "legacy" NVidia proprietary drivers (NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7174-pkg1) to work with newer kernels such as linux-source-2.6.15 available at

I had never compiled a kernel before yesterday, having only been a Debian GNU/Linux user since about May of last year. In the process of learning about Linux from total ignorance, I finally reached the point where it was time for me to configure and build my own custom kernel. I have an older Pentium 3 machine and a newer Pentium 4 machine that I am using to learn about home networking, so I decided to build my first kernel for the older box.

I have runlevel 2 configured to disable 'gdm', and I have '/boot/grub/menu.lst' configured (in the Automagic Kernels zone) to create an extra GRUB line to boot runlevel 3 for any kernel I install. I always keep an older, known-to-work kernel in place along with my current preferred kernel.

I researched the hardware on the P3 box, and took notes on kernel-related subjects for about the past month: configuration options, methods for compiling (Debian 'kernel-package' vs. traditional commands), devfs transitions, initial ramdisk transitions, etc., etc. There is an unbelievable amount of contradictory information out there!

Most folks just take the config from a stock kernel, maybe make a few changes, then compile away. I was unhappy with that approach, and tortured myself for the past few weeks researching from ground zero. I installed the tools to make a 'yaird'-style initrd, but decided to create a non-initrd kernel that fits my P3 box like a glove. After nearly 2 hours of configuring using 'make menuconfig' (I actually preferred it instead of 'make gconfig'), I tried compiling... and it worked! (I had mistakenly left a debug feature enabled which started filling up my logs in /var/log, so I had to do a recompile... which also succeeded.) Further details upon request....

I decided to try for the NVidia 3D support, even though the motherboard Vanta card is laughable by today's standards. (It's even worse without any help from these nonfree drivers, though!!) A few weeks ago I practiced on my 'Sarge' 2.6.8-2-686 kernel, and the proprietary installer worked just fine... it does everything for you, so you just sit there and watch. The hardest thing was making sure I had the 'kernel-headers' package installed, but that was easy using tools like 'aptitude'.

I chose the proprietary driver instead of the Debian packages because I knew that I was going to be compiling a very new linux-source package, and there is no Debian support for such new kernels. I expected to have problems with this ancient 1.0.7174 driver, which continues to age while the kernels continue to evolve. That driver is the last one NVidia released which supports my crufty old Vanta, so I'm stuck with it until NVidia release new "legacy" drivers (if ever).

I tried the same NVidia installer with my custom 2.6.15 kernel, but I got an error message telling me that they weren't compatible. There have been posts on 'debian-user' about patches, and there are patches posted at the forums. I had some difficulties, which I will explain presently, but I believe that either of these patches would have allowed the old 1.0.7174 driver to work with the new kernel source:


I ended up using the first one, which is a few months old on the forums. The second one I tried first, yesterday, and it was also working, but I was confused about the problems I encountered and ended up uninstalling the 3D drivers (and reinstalling) numerous times until I solved the problem tonight. The solution is a workaround, and I am still looking into the Right Way of solving the problem, but I could actually just leave things the way they are and just be happy until this old P3 box drops dead.

The big problem was this: the installer compiled the needed kernel module and placed the binary blobs in the right place, and after I reconfigured /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 appropriately I was able to start 'gdm' just fine... until I rebooted. I didn't reboot for many hours, feeling confident that all was well and I could start compiling the kernel version for the P4 box. The thought occured to me that I should see if it reboots correctly, and when I tried it 'gdm' couldn't start and retried a few times (in a very annoying fashion) before it finally gave up.

I tried everything I could think of but nothing allowed gdm to start, and was going to recompile tonight hoping that some magical configuration change would make everthing OK. It was so damned frustrating! I could start 'gdm' every time I reinstalled the NVidia module, but it would never work when I rebooted! I thought the gods were playing a practical joke, or something....

I had to work today, so I was thinking about it on and off whenever I had a spare moment. Something that the installer was setting up was being lost at reboot. What was it?

From the past month of research, I realized that the newer kernels handle the /dev device nodes dynamically: they are no longer "files" on a disk, but are recreated each time the system reboots, or whenever a supported device is hotplugged that requires device nodes. This old NVidia driver could not possibly know how to handle the situation correctly, so whatever changes it made in /dev were being lost, and nothing else on my system knew anything about it.

Here is what I know about the problem so far, and how I finally got something to work:

1) If you use the "--extract-only" option with the NVidia installer, as you _must_ if you're going to patch it, you will be able to find the file that modifies '/dev', a script called '' in the '../usr/src/nv' directory below the directory created by "--extract-only". The important code looks like this:

  if [ ! -c /dev/.devfsd ]; then
        for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do
          rm -f $node
          mknod $node c 195 $i || error "mknod \"$node\""
          chmod 0666 $node     || error "chmod \"$node\""
        rm -f $node
        mknod $node c 195 255    || error "mknod \"$node\""
        chmod 0666 $node         || error "chmod \"$node\""

There is code just after this which is supposed to allow 'udev' to handle the situation properly, and this is what I hope to modify (tomorrow... it's getting late and I'm getting tired tonight!) to create the Right Way solution. Essentially, this script creates nodes in /dev required by the 'nvidia' module; if they're not present when 'nvidia' gets loaded, it dies... preventing X ('gdm', in my case) from starting.

I Googled, and found a forum somewhere with a suggestion (in 2003) to modify a file called 'rc.sysinit', adding the lines above with the 'if'/'fi' statements removed. The idea was to manually recreate the same /dev nodes at each reboot that the NVidia installer creates when it runs. I thought that was worth a try!

The corresponding file on Debian seems to be '/etc/init.d/rcS', which is listed in '/etc/inittab' as the script to run to initialize the system. I tried placing the code from above in there, near the top of the file, but it didn't work. I don't understand all of the low-level issues well enough, but I guess it was too early in the boot process for code like that to run. (Someone else care to educate me on these matters? I would be most grateful.)

I decided to try placing the code somewhere just before 'gdm' gets started. This way it's not too soon in the boot process, but the nodes get created before 'gdm' tries to load the 'nvidia' module. Instead of trying to modify things in individual '/etc/rc[2-5].d' directories, I decided to add the code to the 'gdm' script itself: '/etc/init.d/gdm'.

That worked!  Near the top of the 'gdm' script I have placed these lines:

  # 060412 Hack to create nvidia nodes in /dev/ to allow a new
  # kernel use NVidia 3D drivers
  # This code is copied from 'usr/src/nv/' from the
  # NVidia installer source obtained with "--extract-only"

  for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do
    rm -f $node
    mknod $node c 195 $i || error "mknod \"$node\""
    chmod 0666 $node     || error "chmod \"$node\""

  rm -f $node
  mknod $node c 195 255    || error "mknod \"$node\""
  chmod 0666 $node         || error "chmod \"$node\""

Now 'gdm' starts just fine when I reboot, and '/var/log/XFree86.0.log' shows no errors.

Like I said, tomorrow I'm going to read up on 'udev' and see if I can do this The Right Way. Maybe someone else can explain it to me in the meantime? I would be grateful for that, too.

In any case, I hope this scroll may be of some usefulness for folks out there wanting to use old NVidia drivers with new custom kernels on Debian.

Dave Witbrodt

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