On Thursday 13 April 2006 19:31, Katipo wrote:

> >What's the matter?  Truth hurt too much?
> I, for one, am sick and tired of seeing these digs at our American
> friends who are struggling, in their national adolescence, for a sense
> of identity.

You are aware I'm an American citizen by birth, right?  Sometimes, you have to 
laugh to keep from crying.  Especially since this administration changed how 
the draft works:  Half the population, myself included, is now draftable 
until age 35 instead of age 28 now just because we have a penis.  If our 
president is to be believed, I have good reason not to plan on living that 
long, and it's only a matter if I get killed against my will in a foreign 
country courtesy of my own government, or killed by foreign terrorists in my 
country because of it's collective ineptitude.

> We need to be grown up about it, and allow them their attempts at
> self-establishment in their misspellings and other foibles, so in time
> they can find their way to their maturity.

If the current administration decides not to only run one name on the ballot 
in 2008 or destroy itself before then, you might be right.  On the other 
hand, we have the collective force California working against us on the 
maturity and economic prosperity thing; they're a net drain on pretty much 
everything in a four state radius that isn't protected by a border crossing.

Paul Johnson
Email and IM (XMPP & Google Talk): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jabber: Because it's time to move forward  http://ursine.ca/Ursine:Jabber

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