Raju: > Finally, to all those people, who keep referring unstable for newbies -
> situations like this should be kept in mind.
Mark Crean: Don't worry. With the kind of  attitude on display among some of the regular
Debian-fanciers who post here, I should imagine these "newbies" will be
heading for Ubuntu; don't you think so? It's quite revealing that the new DPL
has suggested cleaned-up releases of testing from time to time, which kind of
suggests that the more practical-minded folks know full well that in practice
many desktop users will be heading for unstable or testing. Repeating the
mantra of "stable, stable" when it quite obviously isn't credible to a
sizeable chunk of your users is really a waste of time.

Thank The Light! some one finally had the moxie to say this (and very well too).

I will refrain from saying more.

—A watched bread-crumb never boils.
—My hover-craft is full of eels.
—[...]and that's the he and the she of it.

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