Fernando Augusto Bender wrote:

On Mon, 2006-04-17 at 09:36 +0100, Chris Lale wrote:
Fernando Augusto Bender wrote:

On Sun, 2006-04-16 at 09:34 +0100, Chris Lale wrote:

Fernando Augusto Bender wrote:


I have recently installed Debian on my PC. I have migrated from
Mandriva 2006, so much of the configuration concerning
peripherals were ignored by me. Now I regret.

I chose the net-installation, method, with only Desktop option in
packages selection.

The printer - Canon BJC-250 - is detected by the hardware. I have
downlaoded and installed through Synaptic the gimp-print,
foomatic and other drivers.

The configuration through gnome-cups-manager is finished, but i
cannot print anything on that printer! Any document sent to print
does not create any entry on Printer's Job list.

When in connection Tab, it points to Network Pritner, but the
printer is local. If I chage it to Detected Printer, and close
the manager, it does not update the entry.

I only get an output if I do something like: echo TEXT > /dev/lp0

What testifies that the printer is running.

It looks like I have no permission for that.

By the way, when I choose: Become Administrator in
gnome-cups-manager in the terminal (the application was started
from the terminal window) I get erros like 'authentication
failure' althought the root password is properly entered and the
manager moves on with no error on graphical desktop.

I am in a loss of what to do now.

Thanks in advance and best regards.

Try using the CUPS web interface

1. I didn't have gs-esp installed. After installing it, I could send a
job properly to the printer as root, and it appeared listed on jobs
queue not as canceled any longer.
2. I use Debian Sarg, stable.
3. Thid is the output of the error_log from cups.

I [17/Apr/2006:09:40:53 -0300] Adding end banner page "none" to job 1.
I [17/Apr/2006:09:40:53 -0300] Job 1 queued on 'Balzac' by 'octave'.
I [17/Apr/2006:09:40:53 -0300] Started
filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 3397) for job 1.
I [17/Apr/2006:09:40:53 -0300] Started
filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster (PID 3398) for job 1.
I [17/Apr/2006:09:40:53 -0300] Started
filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoprinter (PID 3399) for job 1.
I [17/Apr/2006:09:40:53 -0300] Started
backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/canon (PID 3400) for job 1.
E [17/Apr/2006:09:44:16 -0300] IsAuthorized: pam_authenticate() returned
7 (Authentication failure)!
I [17/Apr/2006:09:44:25 -0300] Started
"/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=3497)
I [17/Apr/2006:09:44:30 -0300] Started
"/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=3499)
I [17/Apr/2006:09:44:32 -0300] Started
"/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=3501)

Some more info:
1. The printer auto test - started from the printer it self - runs
2. When I delete a pritner, shutdown PC, shutdown the printer, restart
both, add a printer, configure it, and print as a regular user an email
from Evolution, it just accepts the job, and print only half the first
One of the nice things about GNU/Linux is that you do not need to reboot the PC after an installation or configuration change.

   # /etc/init.d/cupsys stop

stops the CUPS service and

   #/etc/init.d/cupsys start

starts it again.

Alternatively, in one command,

   # /etc/init.d/cupsys restart

No errors of this sort are reported as it can be seen above.
The authentication failure is related to the root login I applied at the
http://localhost:631 login screen.

What now? :)
I'm getting a little out of my depth here. Hopefully, someone else will reply soon. However, looking at these lines:

        I [17/Apr/2006:09:40:53 -0300] Job 1 queued on 'Balzac' by 'octave'.
        E [17/Apr/2006:09:44:16 -0300] IsAuthorized: pam_authenticate() returned
        7 (Authentication failure)!

I wonder whether you are on a network with a print spool on another machine. 
Perhaps you have an authentication problem with that machine?

Can you print a test page from the CUPS printer page in http://localhost:631 ?

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