* Terence Ng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030616 04:49]:

> If I am using stable distribution (Debian2.2r1), using
> Python 2.1, how do I upgrade to Python 2.2.3 in
> unstable distribution (I still want my default as
> stable distribution).

Edit your /etc/apt/apt.con and add the following line:
APT::Default-Release    "stable";

Now edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and add testing Sources (deb and

So you could install the new python package by just typing "apt-get
install python2.2/unstable", but I fear it won't work, since this
packages are compiled for sid.
If you feel lucky today you can try "apt-get -t unstable python2.2",
this way apt-get will follow all dependencies in the unstable tree.

Untested, but probaly the best way: Create your own backport, with
"apt-get build-dep python2.2 ; apt-get --build source python2.2". After
a while you should have some fine .deb's which you can install with
"dpkg -i". After that you may remove the packages, which got installed
with apt-get build-dep.


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