Florian Kulzer wrote:

On Sat, Apr 22, 2006 at 18:34:34 +0100, Doofus wrote:
Florian Kulzer wrote:


For a start, I can offer you a threat of "forcibly assisted"

That was an interesting read.

No well adjusted and reasonably polite person engaged in discussion with another should expect to be addressed with the kind of rhetoric Steve used in the referenced thread. You wouldn't stand listening to someone in the pub talking to you like that so why should you in here?

Anand's threat (which it undoubtedly was) in his closing paragraph to remove Steve didn't bother me at all; I hate ranting personal abuse. But he lost the plot with "or you continue on this topic", which translates to "I'll remove you from the mailling list if I don't like what you're talking about". Anyone with that attitude shouldn't be allowed to run a mailling list.

followed by setting up a tar pit for the thread in question:

I have no understanding of what has been done here.

Every message that was thenceforth posted to this particular thread was
artificially delayed for one day before it was redistributed via the
list. That made any sort of on-list discussion very awkward. It was
"don't continue with this topic" implemented as a policy against all
list subscribers, and it was a very effective measure. (The thread
stopped after four more messages.)

I've never heard of this being done anywhere before. I can't see why Anand didn't just ignore the thread.

Effectively it was as stated above: "I'm going to kill this discussion because I personally dislike it".

Censorship. Disgusting in almost any scenario, I think. So much more so on a list associated with such an obsessively politically correct linux distribution, who's list administrators perpetually bleat about the need for "openness" and free one-sided access to all and sundry. Ergo, we're in a situation where any worthless spamming toe-rag in the world can hammer the debian list servers with anything he wants, but someone in here for all the right reasons has his (unfortunately expletive) views squashed because one of the listmasters takes umbrage with some of his opinions. Not very good really, is it?

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