On Saturday 22 April 2006 11:14, Steve Lamb wrote:
> Monique Y. Mudama wrote:
> > Well, debian is pretty obvious about its purpose.  It's a link right
> > from the front page.  Maybe people should be choosing other distros if
> > they don't like bullet item number one of the social contract.  Debian
> > without the social contract would be just another distro.  In other
> > words, there would be no point to using debian without the contract.
>     Funny, the #1 point for most people is apt, not the social contract. 
> #1 for *you* maybe.

I arrived in late 1996 after my Windows install floppies would no longer work.  
Being a high school freshman at the time, I had no way to afford new install 
media.  The DFSG was exactly what I was looking for in a new operating 

> Until then Debian is doing itself no favors my being obstructionist and 
> driving people away based on it's own restrictive use clauses. 

There's nothing stopping you from installing nonfree software on your system.  
You just probably won't be able to apt-get it.  Case in point:  You can get 
games for Linux at WalMart for around $20 per title.

Paul Johnson
Email and IM (XMPP & Google Talk): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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