On Thu, Apr 27, 2006 at 10:44:29PM +0100, John Stumbles wrote:
>My own progression was
>Mandrake: easy to use (KDE), PITA to manage (packages etc)
>SuSE: more or less ditto
>Ubuntu: couldn't get my brain round the GUI
>Kubuntu: phew!
>debian (w/kde)

My own progression is lost in time. I've used, and often enjoyed the
following desktops/window managers:

 GNOME (with OpenBox and with Metacity)
 KDE (with KVM)
 Window Maker

>I did try to use and understand GNOME (honest!) but it's too warped for
>my brain (or vice versa :-). To give an example: burning a CD etc under
>KDE I invoke k3b, select type of disc to burn, pick files to put on it,
>set a few options (e.g. joliet if I want to play my mp3s on my car
>player) and off we go. Under GNOME there's some business with nautilus
>which doesn't seem to allow for any of the options I may need to set.
>Not even whether I want to write to a CD or a DVD (though maybe it
>detects that).
>ISTR there were other foibles that put me off GNOME, though it's so
>long since I've used it in anger I've forgotten them. Maybe I should
>give it another try, but can you (Magnus) as an obvious GNOME-o-phile,
>tell me what you like so much about it rather than KDE, that you think
>would benefit other users?

That's a difficult question to answer. I feel at home in GNOME (with
OpenBox). I know where things are and pretty much how they work. I can
customize it the way I want it. It's all good. (You probably feel
exactly the same way about KDE. :-)

If I have to pick a few applications that I like and use:

 - Nautilus, and yes, I use the spatial layout which probably means I'm
   in minority among Gnomistas.
 - Epiphany, this is the _one_ application that keeps me from trying
   sincerely KDE at all.
 - Gnome terminal, I know, a lame pick but the few times I boot a
   Knoppix CD I always ending up thinking "Why? Oh, Why?" when using the
   KDE terminal.

If you had asked me why I like GNOME better from a developer's point of
view the answer is easier--libraries and language bindings. Python on
GTK/GNOME is a pleasure to program. An extra benefit is that Epiphany
allows Python plugins :-)

Now, I am the first to admit that KDE is better in many ways. Since I
don't use it I can't say anything about the applications. However, I
have gotten some insights into the "KDE development process" and the way
they do things on a code level. I believe they are ahead of GNOME,
though I've seen indications of GNOME catching up (at least in some


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)

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