Steve Lamb wrote:
Gene Heskett wrote:

Well, he could, because its worse than that, 1% of the people here control 90% of the wealth according to some figures I heard on C-SPAN tonight in congressional testimony. Thats not right, and its sure not a democracy.

    Of course it's not a democracy.  Anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't
have the sense to listen to the clap-trap every school child in public
education is forced to recite daily.

Thank you, Gene. I was getting so antsy I was squirming in my seat.

    I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America.  And to
the *REPUBLIC* for which it stands...

I once had a fellow argue with me that the USA was intended to be
a democracy, and when I disputed that, I asked him to give three
distinguishing features of

        (1) Democracy
        (2) Republic
        (3) Socialism
        (4) Fascism
        (5) Communism.

He couldn't do it. So how can he argue that the USA is supposed
to be a Democracy when he doesn't know what the word means?

    Have you heard the other side of those figures?  How about 50% of the
people don't pay taxes.  In fact a large portion get free money.  Explain
exactly how that part is democratic and you'll win a prize.  No, I'm not
joking, it is exactly that behavior which is why we're supposed to live in a
republic and not a democracy.

Actually, we live in a Democratic National Socialist State.
Under National Socialism the State does not own, but it does
control, all means of production and transportation.

This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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