On Friday 28 April 2006 21:00, Steve Lamb wrote:
> Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> > how exactly is my employee, who lost his job when his company
> > outsourced his job to the far east, being irresponsible? He was a
> > model employee, good time in, liked by all etc. Had two kids and a
> > wife. Now he's shlepping burgers for me and gets EIC. How exactly is
> > he irresponsible? Hmm? Please don't make such broad generalizations,
> > they are inflammatory and inappropriate.
>     When you answer how it is responsible that he gets income redistributed
> I'll pay attention to your feedback.  Until then all I know is that EIC is
> pretty much a signpost on the sign to hell in this country.

Nice attitude.  Vast portions of Oregon and parts of rural Washington led the 
continent in unemployment for the first half of this decade.  I'm sure you 
would have rather let one in five people in the pacific northwest die of 
starvation instead.

Paul Johnson
Email and IM (XMPP & Google Talk): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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