> If I recall correctly when I looked at the Baen site last year, they usually 
> release on book in a series online.  Those that read the first book and like 
> it 
> will have to buy the rest of the series.  Has this changed?

    This is up to the author.  They can put the first book up.  They can put
several books up.  Some authors put up only the first, others have put up
complete series.  AFAIK Baen, as a policy, doesn't care either way since in
the end either produce more sales because, in general, people prefer to read
books as books.  I know that while I enjoy reading books on my Axim given the
option I'd rather buy a book to read, borrow a book to read and finally
download a book to my Axim to read.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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