On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 23:54:19 -0700
Steve Lamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mumia W wrote:
> > Abolish public education, and the private schools might just start
> > treating parents and students like crap.
>     And those schools would lose their students as their parents
> moved them to more responsive schools.  Non-issue.
> > Certainly, if a single company
> > came to dominate education the way Microsoft dominates software,
> > parents and students *would* be treated like crap.
>     Yes, this is accurate.  And, oh mah gawd!  You just described
> what's happening now.  Except substitute "single company" with
> "government."
As a Debian user who is interested in the Debian distro, I am now
exercising my democratic right to protest against this total misuse of
this list.... I've unsubscribed.

I am interested in learning to use debian more productively. I am
totally not interested in this US centric, drivel. If I was, I would
have signed up for some right-wing think tank's list.

I will find other ways now of discovering information related to debian.

God bless you,

Keith Bates
4 Mooloobar St
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