On Sunday 30 April 2006 11:31, Curt Howland wrote:
> Excuse me, prior to 1840 education was all private. Therefore, your
> first "reason" is false.

Yeah, and prior to 1840, so few people knew how to read that the US came up 
with the retarded electoral college system to make sure someone who knew how 
to read would be around for the vote.  That approach to education certainly 
did us a lot of good.

> > The purpose of the public programs is to ensure that *something* is
> > there for the middle class and poor. It doesn't have to be
> > gold-plated.
> Your premise is false. The "middle class" and "poor" were doing very
> well indeed without coercive "public" schooling.

America didn't have much in the way of any middle class prior to the 
widespread accessability to education.  Now that this situation is 
redeveloping in the US, we're seeing the middle class disappear and the lower 
class exploding.

Paul Johnson
Email and IM (XMPP & Google Talk): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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