On Sun, Apr 30, 2006 at 11:11:02PM -0500, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Apr 2006 21:13:54 -0400
> > On Sun, Apr 30, 2006 at 02:10:30PM -0400, Curt Howland wrote:
> > > 
> > > - -- 
> > > September 11th, 2001
> > > The proudest day for gun control and central 
> > > planning advocates in American history
> > 
> > I've seen this .sig quite a few times now, and I *still* don't 
> > understand it.  Please explain.  What does hijacking airplanes have
> > to do with central planning?
> > 
> The backlash of 9-11 was like Christmas to the conservative
> military-industrial complex and their puppet congress-critters.  All the
> things they have wanted over the years like more defense spending, less
> rights for citizens and the ability to run stormtrooper like raids on
> citizens and eavesdrop on attorney/client converasations came true the
> morning after.
> I call it the American public running scared.

Yes.  I know this.  It has been effective enough that some commentators 
have even been spouting conspiracy theories that the Administration 
instigated the bombings.

I still don't see the connection with gun control or with sentral 
planning ... unless perhaps you see the kind of intrusive disregard of 
civil rights to be central planning?

-- hendrik

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