On 4/19/06, Benjamí Villoslada <benjamiatgmail.com> wrote:
A Dimecres 19 Abril 2006 03:46, Benjamí Villoslada va escriure:
> A Dimarts 18 Abril 2006 20:45, Christopher Nelson va escriure:
> > I'm not sure if it'll work, because I don't have flashplayer-mozilla
> > installed so can't test flash since the xorg update, but I used to have
> > it and needed 'gsfonts-x11' in order to see fonts.  Maybe that's old
> > advice though.
> I've gsfonts-x11 0.18 installed, and not fonts in Flash Player.  Thanks!

I'm sorry: today gsfonts-x11 update 0.18 to 0.19 solves the Flash issue :)

Fonts dosen't works again in Flash :(   Maybe due the last x-org updates.

Anyone have solved this issue?



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