Matthias Julius wrote:
> "Matthew R. Dempsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>I can understand that viewpoint, but I still dislike the premise that 
>>they can be provided only be the government itself.  If the government 
>>must involve itself, I'd like to see it encouraging competition among 
>>providers of these services, rather than siphon away citizen's money to 
>>fund one huge provider that has no incentives to be efficient.
> I wouldn't want to put private profit interests above a social
> system.  The idea is that everyone contributes according to his
> abilities and people benefit who need it.  Contributors and
> beneficiaries are usually not the same.  How do you do that with a
> privatized system?

I would *certainly* want to put private profit interest above a social
system.  Know why?  There is no stronger motivator in business than
profit.  Please look at the quality and level of service of monopoly
phone carrier ISPs (bellsouth, sbc, etc) compared to the indenepdents
(SpeakEasy sticks out in my mind).  SpeakEasy is *cheaper* and has
service that is light years ahead the monopoly carriers.

What you are saying is that if the government controlled everything, we
would be better off.  That might work someplace like the Star Trex: TNG
universe, but places like Cuba and the USSR have shown what that would
really be like.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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