On Thursday 04 May 2006 17:18, Curt Howland wrote:
> gpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn't connect: eof
> On Thursday 04 May 2006 19:32, Rich Johnson was heard to say:
> > You're talking to one with deep VT roots here--though raised in NY
> > hard by the VT border.   Folks do put food on the table using
> > guns.    The take on the land I hold there  runs ~4-5 bucks/sq mi/
> > yr.  Those ''nuisance'' laws come in handy for off-season pest
> > removal.  Tasty too!
> Ok, yes, the "come here" verses "been here" now makes sense. Of course
> I understand that only someone born there is ever really native. My
> father retired to Vermont and I spent a lot of time there, as well as
> living in Massachusetts for several years.
> There is nothing like Route 2 on a motorcycle, fresh maple syrup and
> apple pie with cheddar cheese.

I wonder if there's an uninteresting part of US-2.  Couer d'Alene had a really 
high let's-not-stop-in-this-town, let's-floor-it-to-the-next-town-instead 
kind of feel to it thanks to the Aryan Nation (they're gone now, things have 
probably changed for the better since then).  And so did Bonner's Ferry 
(downtown is essentially a factory outlet strip mall).  The only thing that 
kept us from stopping for the night on BC-97 in Creston, BC was lightning 
struck a tree when we were a quarter mile from it, and the tree fell across 
the highway just a few thousand feet from the international boundary in front 
of  a cabin with a huge grass meadow lawn (they let us camp in their field 
for the night until IDOT could make it to the border with a log truck and 
some chainsaws, which we woke up to early the next morning).

> Cities are sewers. Even if they're beautiful, like San Francisco,
> they're rotten in some other way (like the government of San
> Francisco).

Ugh.  San Fran.  It's like a conservative Seattle with worse weather.

Paul Johnson
Email and IM (XMPP & Google Talk): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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