On Sun, 2006-05-07 at 16:28 -0400, Len Berman wrote:
> I just installed sarge on a new machine and NO packages in status are
> listed as not-installed.  I'm using synaptic and it knows that there are
> packages which are not installed.  (I discovered this using and old
> script I had written which used dpkg-awk to find documentation packages
> that are not installed.)
> When I look at packages in dselect they all seem to be labelled 'n'.
> I'm wondering if there is a way to get this information corrected.

You don't need to get that information in status.

I've had my Debian machine I am using for about 8 years. That is ti say,
the same initial build. I've gone through many pieces of hardware in
that time.

I have 1159 packages that I have at one time installed and then as a
part of clean-up or upgrades or package supersedes have uninstalled.

The default status of a package if never having been installed is "n"

So just because it isn't in /var/lib/dpkg/status or status-old, doesn't
mean you are missing the info.

What you really want to do is use apt-cache for your information

There are other apt tools available for specifics.

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