Dov Oxenberg wrote:
> Once again THANK YOU for all your help, I can't begin to tell you how
> much I appreciate it.
> Now that I have my Debian box up and running, nice desktop and all, I
> was under the impression the distro comes "prepackaged" with HylaFAX fax
> server.
> The HylaFAX web site is not too clear on how to actually install the
> software so I was hoping someone here would lend some guidance as to
> installation procedures.
> Thanks again for your indulgence.
> Dov

When it is said that software comes "prepackaged" for Debian, that means
that it has been packaged in a format that allows it to be
installed/upgraded/removed by a suitable dpkg front-end.  If you open a
terminal window and run `apt-cache search hylafax`, you will see the
packages that are available related to hylafax.  You can then use your
package manager (likely aptitude or synaptic, or another such package)
to select the packages you want for installation.


P.S.  I know that Clive reads the list.  I don't think you need to CC
him.  (I don't to speak for him, but I know that I already get plenty of
email every day without people CCing me on list postings).

Roberto C. Sanchez

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