On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 09:16:42PM +0800, Eric Wong wrote:
> Hi,
> I am newbie to Debian, and have a question about apt-get.
> Conside the following steps:
> 1) apt-get install apache2
> Now apache2 is installed and working fine
> 2) rm -rf /etc/apache2
> I try to remove all configurations
> 3) dpkg -P apache2
> And then I remove apache2
> 4) apt-get install apache2
> I install apache2 again
> It succeeds and it doesn't shows any error, but I found that /etc/apache2 is
> not there, and apache2 is not working, seems that apt-get doesn't know
> something(/etc/apache2) is missing and it can't rebuild the directory.
> so my question is, how to recover from this kind of error? You know,
> sometimes we may remove some directory accidentally. I know that I can
> download the source code and compile it to make it working, but does Debian
> or apt-get provide any way to sovle this kind of error?

Note that apache2 depends on apache2-mpm-something--I can't recall which
provides the conffiles, so try this:
apt-get -d --reinstall <apache2 apache2-mpm-whatever>
dpkg -i --force-confmiss /var/cache/apt/archives/<fullnames of above>

Christopher Nelson -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        "A university faculty is 500 egotists with a common parking problem."

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